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UPS 2023 Contract Negotiations

Welcome to the official Teamsters Local 89 Campaign page for the 2023 UPS Contract. This page was launched on August 3rd, 2022, and will continue to be updated and added to throughout the campaign.


There has been a great deal of misinformation spread about Teamsters Local 89’s position on the UPS Teamsters National Master Tentative Agreement, so allow us to set the record straight.

Local 89 believes the 2023-2028 tentative agreement is the richest, most historic step forward for UPS members in our union’s history. It contains general wage increases nearly double what any prior contract offered, and dramatically improves wages and working conditions across the board. This contract is a massive leap forward that makes life-changing improvements for 340,000 UPS Teamsters.

Local 89 emphatically recommends our members vote YES to ratify this historic contract.

At the time of the two-person committee meeting in Washington on July 31, Local 89 voted against recommending the agreement. This was NOT a vote against the contract itself, as some have speculated. From the day the tentative agreement was announced, Local 89 has recognized this contract as a remarkable achievement.

Our vote against recommending the contract on July 31 was specifically regarding our concerns around Market Rate Adjustments or MRAs. Nearly half of our Local’s 12,000 UPS Teamsters currently benefit from MRAs. On Monday, we had not gathered all the information we needed about whether UPS would take away MRAs and harm our members’ earnings. Local 89 refrained from recommending the contract as we continued our research into MRAs.

In the days since, we worked closely with General President Sean M. O’Brien, General Secretary-Treasurer Fred Zuckerman, and the International’s Legal Department regarding our outstanding questions. As a result of this information gathering, we can now say with confidence that our existing seniority members who currently enjoy MRAs will also receive the general wage increases on top of their MRA rates under the new tentative agreement. UPS would be acting in bad faith and violating the National Master Agreement if the company attempted to reduce MRA wages in the future.

With these details confirmed, Local 89 now officially and proudly recommends a YES vote on the UPS Teamsters National Master Tentative Agreement.

We thank our members for their patience as we worked through our concerns. Local 89 is thankful for everyone at the Teamsters International who helped answer our questions and worked with us in solidarity to resolve our local issues.

Click here to download a PDF of Local 89's statement on the UPS 2023 NMA

If a strike is called after the July 31st expiration of the UPS contract, it is vital that we are all prepared to staff the picket line.

Local 89 will be creating picket line schedules for our members in order to ensure full coverage. While creating this schedule, we hope to avoid as much disruption to our members' lives outside of their normal work schedule as possible.

To help us do this, we urge all Local 89 members to fill out our official Picket Line Survey for their work location. Your active participation in this process will help ensure that a Teamsters victory if a strike is ultimately called.

Local 89 UPS Worldport Picket Line Survey

Local 89 UPS LCH Picket Line Survey

Local 89 UPS Ground Picket Line Survey

(Bluegrass, Clarksville, Campbellsville, Bowling Green)

June 28th - This afternoon Teamsters Local 89 reached a Tentative Agreement with UPS for the Louisville Air Rider, which covers all Local 89 members at Worldport.

This new agreement is a tremendous step forward and contains strong language for more Full-Time jobs, improvements to the shuttle system, safety language, additional time off for high senior employees, and much more.

“We believe this is the strongest Air Rider we’ve ever negotiated,” said President Avral Thompson. “Our committee did an excellent job and secured major improvements across the board, and our rank-and-file members drove this home by being active and engaged.”

We will be releasing more specific details in the coming days, so please stay tuned!

We have received an increasing number of questions from our members at UPS Worldport regarding the status of Metro College should a strike become necessary in our fight for a just contract.

After thorough review of the Metro College contract documents participating members are required to sign, as well as knowledge of Federal Labor Law under the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA), we would like to share our official position on this subject.

Short Answer:

It is Teamsters Local 89’s position that a member’s participation in any potential strike at UPS would not constitute a violation of their Metro College contract. Were UPS to use any such participation in an attempt to nullify any members’ Metro College benefits, we would consider that a gross overreach by the Company and our Union would respond quickly to right the situation with all the resources at our disposal.

Long Answer:

The Metro College program’s contract states that a UPS employee/student must maintain their employment (i.e. cannot resign or be terminated) and must not be ejected from the college they are attending. As a member’s status at their college is not within the Teamsters or UPS control, that has no bearing on any potential strike, so we will focus on the former – that you must maintain your employment through the date specified in your Metro College agreement.

If a strike were to occur at UPS upon the expiration of our current union contract, all UPS members would have the right under the NLRA to participate and join the picket line. Going on strike in this fashion does not constitute a resignation or termination of your employment at UPS, and the goal of any strike at any company is to win a just contract and have all workers return to their jobs when the strike concludes with all seniority, benefits, and job conditions intact.

Further, although it is not widely advertised by UPS, 50% of the funding for Metro College comes from the City of Louisville (25%) and the Commonwealth of Kentucky (25%). Although we cannot say with certainty how the city or state governments would handle such a situation, we find it highly unlikely that they would look favorably on any attempts by UPS to withhold taxpayer funds from any union members who were exercising their legal rights.

It is our hope that UPS management knows better than to imply to our members that they would be in violation of their Metro College contract if they joined any potential picket line, as we would consider such statements to be an act of intimidation. We would further hope that UPS management is wise enough to know that Local 89 will aggressively defend our members should the Company make the decision to issue any disciplinary or punitive action taken against anyone exercising their right to join a legal picket line if that time comes.

Final Thoughts:

We hope this helps to calm the minds of any of our members who are concerned about their Metro College status if a strike were to occur. If you have any further questions, or if you know of any member of management who is stating that anyone participating in a potential strike would be nullifying their Metro College contract, please contact us immediately.

The International Brotherhood of Teamsters has called for a strike authorization vote at UPS – it is extremely important that all members participate in this vote to show UPS we are united to win the contract we deserve.
Teamsters Local 89 and the International Brotherhood of Teamsters highly encourage all members to VOTE YES to authorize a strike if one becomes necessary.
This will be an IN-PERSON strike authorization vote, conducted by secret ballot. You must be a dues-paying member in good standing in order to cast a ballot.
The LOUISVILLE CENTERS of Worldport, LCH and Bluegrass will vote at the Teamsters Local 89 Union Hall located at 3813 Taylor Blvd, Louisville, KY 40215. Our hall will be open for polls on:
FRIDAY, June 9th - 7am to 9pm
SATURDAY, June 10th - 9am to 3pm
SUNDAY, June 11th - 4pm to 8pm
MONDAY, June 12th - 7am to 9pm
TUESDAY, June 13th - 7am to 9pm
The OUTLYING CENTERS of Clarksville, Campbellsville and Bowling Green will have separate voting instructions which are being communicated to them via their Business Agents and Stewards.
Despite days filled with long hours and intense negotiations, Local 89 and UPS remain far apart on several high-profile items such as shuttle compensation and full-time jobs. The Company has repeatedly and stubbornly shown themselves unwilling to make any meaningful movement on these issues. When challenged on this, UPS has often referenced the unknown overall impact of the Teamsters national economic demands as one reason for their inaction.

It seems clear UPS intends to hide behind the unknowns of national negotiations and use it as cover to make little or no significant progress on our remaining open items. Local 89 will not tolerate this insulting behavior, and we will not allow UPS, through their own inaction and subterfuge, to cause our rider negotiations to delay progress on pressing national issues that must be dealt with. As such, Local 89 and our rank-and-file bargaining committee fully support any efforts made by our International union to begin national discussions with UPS while we continue our fight here for the Louisville Air Rider.

The support we have received from our International leadership has given us the opportunity to take on UPS like never before, and we know that will remain the case until the battle is won. As we march forward together, Local 89 President Avral Thompson will continue to work closely with General President Sean O’Brien and General Secretary-Treasurer Fred Zuckerman. United in cause, we will continue fighting hard in Louisville until we win the air rider our members deserve at UPS Worldport, and a national contract that UPS Teamsters everywhere can be proud of.

In Solidarity,
The Teamsters Local 89 Louisville Air Rider Negotiating Committee

February 8, 2023 - Today the Teamsters Local 89 committee met with UPS to begin negotiations for the Louisville Air Rider, an agreement covering all members of Local 89 working at UPS Worldport. This session marks the official start of bargaining and follows a preliminary meeting two-weeks prior for the initial exchange of proposals.

As ever, we remain determined to fight for and win the contract our members deserve. We publicly call on UPS to reciprocate our members hard work, passion and dedication by giving them a contract they will be proud of.

As this is just the first of many sessions to come, we are still very early in the process. Please be sure to follow us on our social media channels, and our website at www.teamsters89.com/ups2023 to stay updated as negotiations continue. Thank you for your continued solidarity and remember to stand together in the days to come.

When one of us is still fighting, we are all still fighting.

In Solidarity,

The Teamsters Local 89 Louisville Air Rider Committee

President Avral Thompson

Secretary-Treasurer Jeff Cooper

Vice President Brian Hamm

Recording Secretary Craig Burns

Trustee Vinny Rivera

Business Agent Jay Dennis

Business Agent Mike Rankin

Business Agent Ed Sageser

And Rank-and-File Union Stewards:

William Brody

Russell Bryant

Kim Calhoun-Rice

Glen Donlon

Karina Leros Gary

Todd Geralds

Tom Gordon Sr.

Scott Harwell

Adrianne “Neasy” Holmes-Jackson

Todd Kochert

Rich Lesher

Rich McCoun

Willy Rodgers

Joe Sexson

John Slater

Billy Watson

Alonzo “Yogi” White

Stacy Windhorst

For many years now, the Officers, Agents and Membership of Teamsters Local 89 have been at war with UPS. In 2013 and 2018 our members were forced to accept concessions against their will when their contracts were imposed on them. The word angry does not even begin to describe their emotions.

But much has changed since the 2018 UPS contract was imposed. New leadership at the International Brotherhood of Teamsters has brought a wave of reform throughout our union. Thanks to the new leadership of General President Sean O’Brien and General Secretary-Treasurer Fred Zuckerman, the Teamsters have been re-invigorated. We are once again at the forefront of militant unionism in America and our union is quickly becoming feared by employers across the country.

Teamsters Local 89 proudly stands with GP O’Brien and GST Zuckerman as they prepare to lead us in the coming fight against UPS. The days of concessionary contracts are gone, and in its place is a Teamsters union united and stronger than ever before. We are ready, willing, and prepared to fight.

As we draw ever closer to the expiration on July 31 of 2023, we have a very simple message for UPS.

It’s time to pay up. Tick tock.

All dates are approximate.

UPS Worldport Contract Proposal Meetings

Please be advised the following meetings have been scheduled for the purpose of contract proposals. If you can't attend the meeting scheduled for your area, feel free to attend one of the other meetings.

Monday, October 3, 2022 4:00 PM Next Day Small Sort
7:00 PM Second Day Small Sort
Tuesday, October 4, 2022 4:00 PM Next Day Wings A, B, C, D, E
7:00 PM Second Day Wings A, B, C, D, E
Wednesday, October 5, 2022 4:00 PM Next Day Grade Lane, Building 1 (55k), Wing H and Grade Lane Shift
7:00 PM Second Day Grade Lane, Building 1 (55k), Wing H
Thursday, October 6, 2022 4:00 PM AMDC, Container Repair and GSE Non-Powered
7:00 PM AMDC, Container Repair and GSE Non-Powered
Monday, October 10, 2022 4:00 PM Next Day Ramps 6/9/11, Marshalling, Fueling and WFF (Cargo)
7:00 PM Second Day Ramp, Marshalling, Fueling and WFF (Cargo)
Tuesday, October 11, 2022 4:00 PM Next Day Cores and Pallet Yard
7:00 PM Second Day Cores and International
PSC and any other unlisted area - Please attend the meeting for the area you report to.

August Actions

All times are approximate.

Monday, August 8th 2022 9:00 AM UPS Worldport Dayshift
9:30 PM UPS Worldport Nightshift
Tuesday, August 9th 2022 7:30 AM UPS LCH - Front Guard Shack
8:00 AM UPS Clarksville
4:30 PM UPS LCH - Side Guard Shack
Wednesday, August 10th 2022 7:30 AM UPS LCH - Side Guard Shack
8:00 AM UPS Bluegrass
Thursday, August 11th 2022 7:30 AM Central UPS Bowling Green
Friday, August 12th 2022 7:30 AM UPS Campbellsville

Page Last Updated: Mar 13, 2024 (08:50:36)
Teamsters Local 89
3813 Taylor Blvd
Louisville, KY 40215

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